Introducing the Kilger Group

Since its foundation in 1989, Kilger GmbH has had visions for its own future.

Quality, service and adherence to delivery dates should be exemplary in the industry.

Our dealings with people - customers, suppliers, partners and employees - are human, individual and integrative.

We consistently strive to be a full-service provider in the field of stainless steel processing and assembly.

We do not necessarily want to follow the trends, but to set trends in our field.

In addition to personnel services, welding specialists and worldwide assembly services, you can rely on extensive and state-of-the-art welding and orbital welding technology, CNC lathes and CNC milling machines as well as surface technology.

Thanks to this unique and extensive equipment, Kilger GmbH is able to fulfill even the most demanding wishes of its customers.

Kilger GmbH will continue to make an important contribution to economic growth and job security in the region in the future.

Our chronicle

Self-employed locksmith Franz Kilger
Founding of Kilger GmbH
New construction of the company building and production hall
Moving into the company building and the production hall
Expansion of CNC production
Expansion of the testing technology/helium leak test division
Investments in surface technology, electropolishing and pickling equipment
Online stainless steel trade with high-quality products
Expansion of the range of production services with laser marking system
Passivation of stainless steel parts in the area of surface technology
Invest in the AMI ARC M217P welding power source. The Model 217P power supply meets the versatile requirements of a wide range of industries. These sectors include semiconductor, food, dairy, beverage, bio and pharmaceutical, aerospace, energy and other OEM applications.
Acquisition of a special machine for pipe collaring It is now possible to completely collar 6 meter long distribution pipes with a base pipe diameter of 6 mm or more in one length.
Investment in the ORBIMAT 180 SW intelligent welding power source from the manufacturer Orbitalum with intuitive touch operation and online process communication. This intelligent power source enables the digital networking of man and machine for the first time.
In January 2024, Kilger GmbH spun off its temporary staffing division to form Kilger Service Partner GmbH.